Career Services
Are you sick of not hearing back from recruiters? For $5 - get your custom resume report that highlights specific opportunities to improve your resume based on job description of the jobs you want. Email your resume & a job that you are interested in to for next steps
Generic resumes are easy to make and easy for recruiters to ignore. With our help, you can build a resume too good for a recruiter to pass up. Curious? Here's what a recent job seeker said
"One of the biggest challenges when applying for a job is understanding how my CV fits the job description. The job application process is very time-consuming. Sometimes you need to wait 3 months to hear back from the recruiter, and all they said is that you don't fit with that position. For the past 8 months, I've been struggling with that issue. [Interview Igloo]'s tool helped me a lot on that issue, and it helped me save a lot of time on my job application."
Interested in seeing what these reports look like? Check out Ashley's report that compared her resume to the job requirements of a specific job
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